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Life Time Achievement Award from BFJA
Life Time Achievement Award from BFJA
for the year 2005
On 15th March, 2007 Padmabhusan Manna Dey received the Satyajit Roy Lifetime Achievement Award from the Bengal Film Journalists Association (BFJA) for the year 2005. The function held at Swabhumi, Kolkata. Among the dignitaries Mr. Amitabh Bachhan, Mr. Yosh Chopra, Mr. Rakesh Roshan, Mr. Mithun Chakraborty, Ms. Alaka Yagnik and Padmabhusan Manna Dey were in the main focus. The program will be shown in the TV channel \\\'Sangeet Bangla\\\' on 24th March, 2007 from 8 p.m. onwards. (For Photographs see the Photograph/Award section). For video clippings - visit the link: