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Releasing of the Autobiography Memories Come Alive
Releasing of the Autobiography Memories Come Alive
At the evening 1st May 2007, Manna Dey’s autobiography Memories Come Alive was released my noted film Director Sri Mrinal Sen. Pandit Ajay Chakraborty  was also present to grace the occasion. The translator, Ms. Sarbani Putatunda was also present. She translated the Jiboner Jalsaghorey (Published by: Ananda Publishers), originally written in Bengali. The gathering comprised of noted people from all walks of life.
The book comprises of a CD of 14 memorable songs rendered by Padmabhusan Manna Dey. The publisher Penguin India Ltd.  collaborated with the authorities of Starmark to extend a warm welcome to the guests
(See Photographs of the occasion in the respective section)